Technical Fact Sheet
The Birkman Method® is a personality, social perception, and occupational interest assessment identifying behavioral styles, motivations, expectations, and stress behaviors. This assessment provides an integrated, multi-dimensional, and comprehensive analysis that often eliminates the need for multiple assessments. Not a psychological assessment, it is not invasive and not judgmental. See .pdf Sample Career Management Report
The Birkman Method® provides a wide range of non-clinical applications for measuring human behavior and occupational strengths via a series of related report formats that facilitate team building, executive coaching, hiring, leadership development, career counseling, interpersonal conflict resolution, and other applications.
The Birkman Method® consists of ten scales describing occupational preferences (Interests), 11 scales describing “effective behaviors” (Usual behaviors) and 11 scales describing interpersonal and environmental expectations (Needs or Expectations). A corresponding set of 11 scale values was derived to describe “less than effective” behaviors (Stress behaviors).
The Birkman Method® questionnaire consists of 298 items, is delivered online, takes about 45 minutes to complete, and is available in 13 languages.
Corporate human resources professionals, independent consultants, executive coaches, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations have used The Birkman Method® with 2.5+ million individuals over the last 60 years. SEE .PDF SAMPLE CAREER MANAGEMENT REPORT
The 2007 Birkman normative sample contains 4,300 working adults stratified across gender, ethnicity, age, and occupation, from a variety of industries including healthcare, engineering, transportation, protective services, retail, financial services, and education.
The theoretical background, reliability/validity evidence, and psychometric properties of The Birkman Method® are well-documented in The Birkman Method® manual (Birkman et al., 2008).
Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, item response theory (IRT), and classical test theory (CTT) are used in the scale development and maintenance of The Birkman Method®.
The Birkman Method® scales have test-retest reliabilities averaging .85 and coefficient alphas averaging .80. Face, convergent and divergent construct, and criterion-related validities have been established for The Birkman Method®.