Peter Says…
Leap! And the net will appear.
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Category Archives: Organizations
Becoming and Staying Marketable *2011 to 2025!
Are you noticing the changes? Or, are you Freddie the Frog on the stove in cold water? You don’t notice the heat rising until too late; but, if you suddenly get placed in the new enviroment, the boiling water smarts…big time. Today’s workplace demands are shaping up like this: *2011 is the year starting Baby […]
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The #1 Millennial Career Advantage By Lindsay Pollak
As we enter fall recruiting season on college campuses, many students are concerned about how to position themselves for jobs in the continuingly dismal job market. To stand out in this economy, everyone needs an angle (or three…or four…). But there is an angle that I think many Millennials overlook, perhaps because it feels so […]
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A powerful weapon in your job-search arsenal: “THANK YOU” NOTES!
A number of years back, a Fortune 500 company shut-down one of its plants in rural Mississippi. After months in the company’s Career Center preparing candidates for a new work life, in a restaurant at the ‘farewell’ party on our final day, I witnessed an unknown person approach our conversation group. The stranger’s stature and […]
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*10,000 People…
Network, The Noun: Your personal friends and family and their networks. Network, The Verb: Finding fast whom you need to get what you want and helping others do the same. Network, The Purpose: Find a job! To advance your job-search one linear step at a time. Six Degrees of Separation? Not in job-search, landing a prized […]
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Job-Search: 74 Years to Get It Right???
In Think and Grow Rich (1937), Napoleon Hill suggested job search techniques that most people are only beginning to apply today…by Lynn Cogan. “The internet and other technologies have greatly influenced the 21st century job search process: from the ease of researching companies, to the widespread use of networking, to customization of résumés for each […]
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#1 Job-Search Technique in Eight
We all know that ‘word-of-mouth’ produces the majority of job offers; close to eight times more than the other seven techniques combined, but there are still holes in many searchers’ word-of-mouth procedures. Typically, the searcher develops a list of well-researched employers that meet ALL the candidates’ needs; i.e. compensation, commute, etc. Then, contacts friends and […]
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What were you thinking???
I was driving a big 80’s vintage Buick Electra. For those too young to remember, this big car is big…like aircraft carrier big. I was running late to make an important proposal (identical to arriving for a job interview) so I parked in the first available space, closest to the door, grabbed my suit-coat, and […]
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Becoming and Staying Marketable *2011 to 2025!
Are you noticing the changes? Or, are you Freddie the Frog on the stove in cold water? You don’t notice the heat rising until too late; but, if you suddenly get placed in the new enviroment, the boiling water smarts…big time. Today’s workplace demands are shaping up like this: Read the best of the rest…
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